

File Name Size Description
Elder_abuse_Conference_report_2018.pdf 161KB Sydney Matters, "ACU Professor pf Ageing Leads at the Historic Elder Abuse Prevention Conference", March 2018
nurseclick_october_2017_c7_(TMD_tribute).pdf 668KB Australian College of Nursing, NurseClick, October 2017
Oration_McDonald_2011.pdf 420KB The 45th Patricia Chomley Memorial Oration, RCNA, 2011
RCNA_Report_Tracey_McDonald_2011_Orator.pdf 553KB RCNAreport, "Nursing: Our multigenerational work in progress", August 2011
for_their_sake__EXECUTIVE_SUMMARY_oct_07.pdf 161KB "FOR THEIR SAKE - Executive Summary", September 2007
For_their_sake_REPORT.pdf 1.5MB "FOR THEIR SAKE", September 2007


File Name Size Description
TECHNOLOGY_IN_AGED_CARE_2011_DUBLIN.pdf 564KB "Understanding aged care workplaces and technological change", Centre for Ageing Research & Development in Ireland (CARDI) 2011
PRACTICE_DRIVEN_RESEARCH_(PDR)_2010_SYDNEY.pdf 263KB "PRACTICE-DRIVEN RESEARCH (PDR) in aged care nursing", 6th International Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Practice Nursing Network Conference 2010
CLINICIAN_COMPETENCE_2009_PARIS.pdf 152KB "How COMPETENT are hospital clinicians seen to be in managing the care of older people", XIXth IAAG Congress Paris 2009
HOSPITAL_REPORT_CARD_ON_CARING_2008_COPENHAGEN.pdf 534KB "Is CARE still part of Health Care?", International Society for Quality in Health Care Conference Denmark 2008
RN_PRACTICE_MODEL_2007_YOKOHAMA.pdf 272KB "AGED CARE PRACTICE... The full story in contemporary nursing", ICN 2007 YOKOHAMA JAPAN
FOUR_HORSES_OF_ACCREDITATION_2006_LONDON.pdf 315KB "Harnessing the four horses of accreditation: Policy, People, Performance & Proof", ISQua London 2006
PTSD_AND_DEMENTIA_2005_TOKYO.pdf 330KB "When Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is compounded by dementia", ICCHNR 2005 TOKYO


Url Description
Dr Tracey McDonald on ORCID.
Interview concerning elder abuse. Seniors Rights Service, January 2018.
Dr Tracey McDonald's Long Term Care Quality of Life Scale

Conference Abstracts

Year Abstract Title
2019 Critical Pedagogy – undergraduate preparation for clinical professional leadership
2018 Can indicators enable abuse prevention and effective response?
2018 Cumulative disadvantage in late age
2018 Health practitioner awareness of elder abuse risk factors
2017 A survey of Chinese nurses’ knowledge on deconditioning in hospitalized older adult
2017 Front-line health practitioner complicity with families’ abuse of their elders
2017 Negative positioning and personal integrity in a competitive resources environment
2016 Assessing the pillars of life quality for long-term care clients in residential and community contexts.
2016 Combating Ageism: a challenge for all ages and all sectors
2016 De-Normalizing Ageism: A fundamental step in preventing elder abuse
2016 Practice-driven research (PDR) in aged care nursing
2015 Alignment of quality of life perspectives among nurses, family members and older Chinese patients
2015 An aged care practice? Think 'nurse practitioners'
2015 On being a nurse - Chinese nurses’ lives as perceived by their spouses
2015 Taking care of business: Nurse practitioners in private practice
2015 Veteran health and wellbeing: more than a clinical response required
2014 Call the RN: For Almost anything in aged care
2014 Developing Leadership Capacity in a Culturally Diverse Workforce
2014 Differentiating dementia causation: the first step in providing appropriate care and treatment
2014 Key Strategies for developing a Nurse Practitioner Service in the private sector.
2014 Quality of life and spirituality as unidimensional yet related pillars of life quality assessment
2014 Those far-away places: Insights on China's ageing strategies
2013 Assessing life quality in residential care contexts using a validated instrument
2012 Perceived benefits of technology-based care documentation.
2012 Policy frameworks and vested interests shaping aged care nursing options
2011 45th Patricia Chomley Oration: Nursing, our multi-generational work in progress.
2011 First impressions: Reality v. Expectations About Aged Care
2011 Fragile facility? Who’re you going to call?
2011 Gear up for achievement in aged care ITC
2011 In pursuit of critical mass in enlightened aged care leadership
2011 Living within spaces and places designed for others
2011 The policy imperative: Paving the way for excellence in nursing practice
2011 Time to step up to big 'N' nursing
2010 Are you sure I have dementia?
2010 Practical use of decision-making frameworks in aged care nursing
2009 Centralising older people’s concerns in social policy agendas
2009 Dementia is a symptom, not a definitive diagnosis
2009 Does workplace pressure moderate nursing responsibility for patient safety?
2009 Effects of Combined Aerobic and Progressive Resistance Training in Australian War Veterans and Their Spouses: A Randomized Control Trial
2009 How competent are hospital clinicians perceived to be in managing the care of older people?
2009 Older people and their experiences of hospitals
2009 Providing for the safe care and treatment of veterans whose post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) manifests with the onset of dementia symptoms.
2009 Quality of life as a critical nursing issue in long-term care
2009 Workplace and workforce issues in adopting a tobacco-free care environment
2008 Acknowledging veterans’ contribution and special needs within high care dementia units
2008 Age-friendly practices in emergency departments (ED) generating benefits for all involved
2008 COME IN SPINNER: the interface between older people and computer technology
2008 Enhancing workforce effectiveness through technology-based care and management systems: Hurdles and strategies.
2008 Ensuring that mealtimes for people with dementia are relaxing and enjoyable
2008 Establishing the evidence base for appropriate mental health care in an aged care environment.
2008 Implementing technology-based care and management systems for effective aged care outcomes: Issues and recommendations.
2008 Investigating the mental health status of a residential care community: Does eccentricity count?
2008 Is CARE still part of health care? A report on hospital care of older Australians
2008 Meeting the special needs of Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
2008 Non-technology systems for monitoring the quality of residents’ lives and their physical capacity
2008 Priorities in dementia care: Adding comfort to nutrition at mealtimes
2008 Providing for the safe care and treatment of veterans whose post-traumatic stress disorder manifests with the onset of dementia symptoms.
2008 Supporting ageing Australians in their quality of life goals
2008 The relief of misery: The transfer of Quality outcomes information to real-world practice
2008 What does it take to maintain quality of life for older people despite decline in physical capacity?
2007 Aged care practice: The full story in contemporary nursing
2007 Aged care practice: The full story in contemporary nursing
2007 AND AT THE END OF IT ALL … Are staff and clients really happier?
2007 Are you there? Facilitating relationships between residents and care staff through a ‘positive connections’ strategy
2007 Does physical decline in older persons mean reduced quality of life?
2007 FOR THEIR SAKE: Quality and safety of resident transfers from acute hospitals to residential aged care
2007 Maximising options in caring for our elders
2007 THE PROOF IS OUT THERE: Quality improvement across the aged care industry in key care areas
2007 What is it that makes mealtimes enjoyable for residents living with dementia?
2006 Harnessing the four horses of Accreditation: Policy, People, Processes and Proof
2006 Nursing therapeutic interventions for elderly residents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and symptoms of dementia.
2006 POSITIVE CONNECTIONS: A strengths-based approach to staff-resident interactions
2006 Registered Nurse Practice in Contemporary Aged Care
2004 Facilitating the transfer of quality outcomes information to aged care practice
2004 When Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is compounded by dementia…

Last updated 18/11/2019
Copyright © 2019 - 2025 Dr Tracey McDonald